Desmond is in love with listening music. More or less than most kids, I don't know. It's been a fun development over the past few months. When he hears a song he likes, we let him add it to "Desmond's Playlist." It's not kids' music either - country, rap, soundtracks, indie, religious, classical all make the cut.

Nothing related to music....I just never posted a Halloween photo.
Some of the fascinating aspects of this:
- Emotional expression - He notices that songs have different feelings associated with them. The idea that Peter and I may think a song has a different feeling (hopeful vs. melancholy) blew his mind. It's fun to try to teach that people interpret art differently and that's part of its beauty. I've also been challenged to expand my own emotional vocabulary. Happy and sad just don't cut it. But it's also tough to explain the complexities of bittersweet, resentful, joyous, etc. to a kid. Tough, but fun. Emotional expression is my favorite part of this whole topic.
- Musical vocabulary - Des enjoys being able to describe the non-emotive aspects of a song. Words like vocals, lyrics, instrumental, names of instruments, rhythm, etc. I can tell he likes the power of being able to categorize what he is hearing.
- Language learning - He can recognize the artist and song title of over 30 songs on his playlist, regardless of the order. I know he isn't "reading" yet and has probably just memorized these details. I do think this is part of a stepping stone in his path to literacy.
And since this blog is partially for Desmond's future keepsake, here are some of the songs currently on his playlist. I think he has pretty good taste. You should check them out!
Montgomery Gentry - Gone
Dierks Bentley - Sideways
K-O's - Crabbuckit
Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way
Natasha Bedingfield - Strip Me
Decemberists - Sons and Daughters
Kanye West - Jesus Walks
Celtic Worship - Be Thou My Vision
Keith Green - Holy, Holy, Holy
Forrest Gump Suite
Ennio Moricone - Songs from "The Mission"
Eddie From Ohio - Number Six Driver
Slow Club - Christmas TV
Lady Gaga - Alejandro, Poker Face, Just Dance
Beyonce - If I Were a Boy, Halo, Single Ladies
Natalie Walker - Colorblind
Rockabye Baby - Just Breathe