Friday, July 18, 2008

Seeking Faithfulness

I enjoy the random musings of the blog Seeking Faithfulness. I'm not sure how I stumbled upon it. I don't know this woman personally, but have been inspired at times by her perspective on being a mother and a Christian.

Her most recent post about following our life's passions stirred my heart. I can relate to her sentiments of not having a natural bent for children. Reading about how God has changed her heart and mind through the process of having her own children inspires me to consider how my own life will be changed. While I might not relate to a desire to have eight children, I do relate to the idea that we should abandon our personal presumptions when asking God what He wants to do with our life.

I'd encourage you to check our her blog and read her most recent post. "Whose Passions? His? Ours?" You never know how someone else's perspective might affect your own.

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