Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Fish and Chips

I'm making baby food for Desmond. I've really enjoyed steaming and puréeing different foods. Food is so colorful and fresh when you make it yourself.

See the bright colors of the peas and carrots.

Desmond has been very flexible in trying different foods. The more "exotic" flavors include tomato/basil/onion, tofu, lentils/celery/garlic, and spinach/sweet potato. For those of you who recall that I don't particularly like cheese, you'll be glad to hear I even made him cauliflower with cheese. We haven't tried meat yet, but it's not far off.

The boy has quite an appetite! And even though every toy goes right into his mouth, Desmond hasn't figured out that the cubes of tofu or soft fruit are supposed to be eaten. All in good time.

Des loves his mushy peas. All he needs is some fish n' chips to go with them!


Al and Lyndsie said...

Beautiful! What a blessed baby, to have a mommy who's a cook steamer, pureer! hahaha!

Jacque Armentrout said...

Hey KK - try giving Des Cheerios. Ellie wasn't able to feed herself soft veg/fruit because it's too soft and she just ends up mashing it in her hands - but Cheerios work!

Katharine said...

That's exactly what Des does...squishes it up. Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try.

Michelle said...

What containers are you using to make and store your food? It all looks so pretty and organized!

Katharine said...

Michelle - I use a food processor to puree most of the food. For food with tougher hulls, particularly peas and green beans, I had to use a blender.

Once I make up a batch, I freeze it in cubes. That way you can take out just a few ounces at a time as needed.

I bought some ice cube trays, but then someone gave me two special trays for freezing baby food by Kid Co. I'm actually glad to have those containers because they freeze food in larger cubes, so you don't have to rotate the trays out of the freezer as often.