Desmond turned seven months today. He has come so far in seven months. Lately he rolls from his back to his tummy all the time. He hasn't figured out the reverse, so I frequently have to rescue him from his tummy.
He also gives us a steady stream of babbling. You can feel he's just dying to communicate more with us.

March was full of family visits. Almost all of the grandparents were able to stay with us. It was so much fun for all of us to spend time together.
Our two blue eyed guys hang out together.
Babci and Vovo squeeze out a few more minutes with Des before heading to the airport.

Gleeful smiles with Grandma Judy!
Aunt Megan came to love on Desmond after her toxicology conference.
What a cutie!! He's really grown a lot these past couple of months. Such a smiley guy too. We must get together soon!
Peter & Katharine, I appreciate this blog. The blog certainly takes time away from your busy schedules to keep it updated but what a good investment. I love to read your entries. Desmond will enjoy reading this, too, at some point! He is cute.
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