Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Garden

I took to the garden again this year.  We invested heavily in cucumbers and tomatoes.  I won't give you the blow by blow, but overall it was a great year.  41 pints of cucumbers, over a dozen quarts of pasta sauce, over a dozen pounds of frozen tomatoes.  No pesto this year, nor sun-dried tomatoes though.  Better planning next year.

Anyway, I am gratful I was able to see something through to its end.  I can start strong, but am slow to finish a project.  It's always gratifying when I can say I didn't let the garden be totally consumed by weeds.

Filling the cooler with cucs to make pickles.

Tomatoes and Desmond. 
I sometimes question whether or not the garden is worth the time, energy and money we invest. I'm still putting stock in the fact that it will be good for the kids to see how (some) food is grown - even if Desmond only seems interested in watering.  (Seriously -how is he not interested in picking?!?!)

Despite the bumper crop, the crowning moment was when my city-boy husband looked at our counters filled with produce and said, "Wow, I've never had so much respect for photosynthesis."  Booyah.

This is ONE cherry tomato plant. It grew even bigger throughout the summer.
I wanted Des to be able to pick and  eat something right in the back yard.

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