This week we've been busy with the usual activities of diapering, feeding, rocking, not sleeping, etc. It's amazing how quickly your life changes - emotionally, physically and spiritually - all within such a short timespan. As our friend Dave A. said after the birth of their daughter 4 days before Desmond was born, "It's totally worth it." I couldn't agree more.
This may sound odd, but Peter and I were kind of looking forward to the sacrifices that accompany parenthood. The first six years of our marriage have been so much fun. We've delighted in getting to know one another better. There have been so many adventures we've had together and challenges we've overcome together. It's been amazing.
In the past year we started to get the feeling that life was a bit too easy. A bit too centered around pleasing our own desires. It seemed we needed a revolution of some sort. Revolution comes in many forms; ours arrived under the name of Desmond.
God calls us to put others before ourselves. Parenting is a beautiful expression of this concept. Peter and I are reminding ourselves of this high calling as we deal with the loss of continuous sleep, the reconfiguring of relationships, and the uncertainty of the future. I'm grateful for our wonderful son. It makes facing this new challenge a true joy.
That is such a great picture. We are so happy for you guys and just love little Desmond!
You two are such inspirations!
Luv you all lots :D
I think you guys have always been "other" centered, I know so from my own experience with you both, but I guess this takes it to that next level!
"And let us not grow weary while doing good; for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart" (Gal. 6:9...not the translation I prefer, but it's the one I have memorized since that's the one Kathryn's Bible verse songs are in =)). You are doing important work, though not by any means easy!
Hi I am a friend of Judy's from JUMC, I am so pleased that Desmond is home and doing well. He is absolutely beautiful. God does good work doesn't he. Gives us joy in a special bundle like Desmond.
K, I love reading this blog! You are such a trooper! I'm so proud of u! You and peter are going to be great parents! Just curious, how did you pick the name "Desmond"?
Love u both! -ilene :)
Ilene - We actually got "Desmond" out of a book. Our other tactic was to sit in movie theaters and watch all the credits to see if there were any name ideas there. :-)
Ms. Smith - Thanks for your note. We've been touched by the kindness of people from Sanford who love my mom and by extension love Desmond!
You all could make John Wayne cry.
What a handsome little guy! We can't wait to meet him. It's great that you see through the loss of sleep and your slow recovery to the greater joy and bliss of parenthood. You two are amazing. Desmond is so blessed to call you two Mom and Dad!
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