Katharine and I came home from the hospital today (Friday). It definitely felt weird to come home without our son, but the car seat is ready to go as soon as he is ready to come home. Until then, we are visiting about twice a day, interspersed with helping Katharine to recover from the c-section surgery. She is a trooper, and had been doing very well, with minimal pain medication, but she does have a hard time getting up and down stairs and gets worn out very easily.
Desmond is doing very well these days. After a second dose of surfactant, the chemical they used to treat his lungs, he really started doing much better. Today, he finally was allowed to come off of the supplemental oxygen, and he has also begun feeding through his mouth. Both of those things are significant milestones that need indicate he is getting much closer to breathing well in the real world as opposed to an incubator. An optimistic view of his homecoming is that he might be able to come home on Monday after finishing the 7 day course of precautionary antibiotics they have him on.
Now that we are home, we should be able to provide updates more often. Hopefully I can get Katharine to write a bit on the laptop. For now, I'm headed to bed for some much needed rest.
Oh, and I'm also going to post some information about all of the interesting and creative responses I got to our little weight and birth-time puzzle. Here's a teaser...
- Most obscure language: cold-fusion
- Most Simple solution to the weight: just look it up in a database of md5 hashes
We're so glad he's doing better! We've been praying for him a lot. Enjoy your rest now, get plenty of sleep, because it hard once he comes home! We're thankful that you're doing well too, Katharine. Play date soon!?
Dave and Jax
We missed you at small group this week, but were glad to be able to pray for you guys as a group. I'm so glad to hear he is responding well to the surfactants and may be home with you the day after tomorrow!
Oh Disconformists won today! Our first C-league win!
We are so glad that Katharine is home and that Desmond is doing better. We continue to pray for you!! Kiss Desmond for us!
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