I really like the
Indigo Girls. As a teenager, Molly A. and I would lay on her roof listening to them as we watched the stars and talked late into the night. My appreciation of their music has not only lasted into adulthood, but changed as I have. In fact, I bought a new Indigo Girls CD after I had Desmond and found great solace and inspiration listening to it as he would cry and cry during those rough, early months.
What is it about them that affects me so deeply? I think it's because as I listen I often find myself worshiping Jesus. A little surprising, neh?
Their songs express the struggles of life with such beauty and honesty. The struggles of discovering yourself, of wrestling with being different, of demanding why the world isn't as it should be, of rejoicing in the beauty of the world when it IS as it should be.
22 Words posted this:
"Deal with Christianity's ideas and you'll either leave the faith or understand those who do. Being merely appalled at apostasy doesn’t come from strong faith. We need to also empathize, because we’re suffering through the same questions."
Christian or not, can't you feel the truth in the statement, "we're suffering through the same questions." Deep down aren't we all looking for significance? Trying to make sense of our world? Grasping to understand the truths of the universe. When we get a taste of Truth, doesn't it make you hunger for more?
I'm grateful for the unusual places Truth lurks.