Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Second Month

I think my relatives just about had a heart attack when we received this dress for Charlotte at Christmas and I exclaimed that this was her first dress. :-) While I don't think we'll have more children, if we did I would remind myself that for the first three months, I prefer to keep babies (at least winter babies) mostly in their PJ's. It's just easier. I had forgotten how stressful it is to pull little arms and legs through all those clothes!

First dress.

I love seeing the difference in head size in this one.

This is the quintessential sibling photo....he begged to hold her
while I took a picture of them, yet they both aren't crazy about the idea.

First smiles

Being the second child didn't diminish the joy of having Charlotte start to smile. Making a baby smile is one of the happiest things in the world. All of my insides just lit up with happiness to watch her begin to smile.


Krista said...

totally agree about clothing. newborn dresses are cute on the hanger, but a PAIN and not as cute on a baby- and by the time they are cute, they get in the way of crawling!

Krista said...

AND she is adorable. I love the way Des is holding her and her expression!

Michelle said...

I agree on newborn clothes....both my summer (March is practically summer in TX!) babies lived in onesies!